sms collection

NOT all fingers are of same LENGTH NOT all fingers are of same LENGTH, but when they are BENT, all stand in EQUAL length. LIFE becomes easy when we BEND & ADJUST to certain situations. posted in Wise SMS Quotes Wake up with ur sweet memories “MORNING” is a good time to “REMEMBER all the sweet things & all sweet persons in your “LIFE so wake up with your “SWEET MEMORIES” !GOOD MORNING! posted in Good Morning SMS Different between ur & my smile Do you know what is differance between your smile and my smile? You smile when you are happy, and, I smile, when I see,you happy..! posted in Smile SMS Dead body cycling to school Teacher: Bobby! Join these two sentences together. I was cycling to school. I saw a dead body. Bobby: I saw a Dead Body Cycling to school. :-) posted in Misc SMS Jokes A Father means so many things.. A Father means so many things.. An understanding heart, A source of strength and support right from the very start. Happy Father’s Day posted in Father's Day SMS Dad, my wonderful friend Delightful And Loving, Loved And Admired, Dad, You’re My Hero, My Life You’ve Inspired. And When All My Blessings,Are Counted Each Day, I Thank God In Heaven,For Dad When I Pray. Dad Thanks For Your Presence,Throughout Thick And Thin; You’re More Than A Parent,You’re My Wonderful Friend. Happy Father’s Day posted in Friendship SMS I Salute Ur Father Pay My Regards To Ur Father Who Is Tolerating Such A Dumb Duffer Child, What A Stamina He Has Got.. I Salute Ur Father:p Happy Father’s day posted in Father's Day SMS, Funny SMS 101 Ways to Be a Great Dad I know just the person who needs “101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”. Don’t worry it isn’t you! Happy Father’s Day!

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