Always Have An Auto Bill Of Sale

So you're finally going to sell that old car...the one that's given you years of good service. The one that's taken you to work, the kids to soccer, t-ball practice and back and forth from the grocery store.

Good for you. You put a small ad in the newspaper and hang a "For Sale" sign in the window.

You end up selling your car to a nice young guy for just under the asking price and you think to yourself...that was easier than expected.

A month and a half later, the door bell rings. Standing on your doorstep is a rugged looking guy in a jacket and tie. He introduces himself as an investigator with the State Police, flashes his badge and begins to ask questions about the car you sold not so long ago. It turns out that he's investigating a case of odometer fraud - also known as "rolling back the odometer".

He's trying to establish two things. One, when did the odometer fraud take place. And two, who did it.

You know that you didn't do it. It had to be the kid you sold it to. But you start to think what documents you have from the sale that will detail the miles and records of the transaction. You think to yourself, "Do I have anything that will prove what the miles were on the car the day I sold it?"

For your sake, I hope you do. It'll keep you from spending some very uncomfortable time with the State Police.

And the easiest way to avoid that is to have an auto bill of sale that details the entire transaction, is signed by both parties and is stamped by a notary.

A recent report by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that more than just under 500,000 vehicles per year are sold with false odometer readings resulting in a loss of more than $1 Billion each year. That's a huge number and the main reason why the police are so aggressive investigating it.

If you sell a car (or any motorized vehicle) make sure you have a completed auto bill of sale. It must have:

- The Buyers and Sellers Name;
- The Year, Make and Model;
- The Selling Price;
- The Odometer Reading or Hours of Service;
- The VIN (vehicle identification number);
- Both Signatures and Date;
- A Notary Stamp and Signature.

Most of the information above is simple and quick to do. And getting a Notary Stamp and Signature is simple matter of visiting your bank and paying a small fee.

Make sure you do yourself a favor....always have a completed bill of sale anytime you're selling a vehicle so you can avoid that very unpleasant visit from a guy in a jacket and tie.

What Is Dad's Influence on Gender Selection?

Many people think that gender selection is completely the influence of the man. Science is showing that things are not quite so simple; however it is the man that contributes the genetic material for either a boy or a girl. In this article I'll explain how the man provides this genetic material, called chromosomes, and some other factors that may influence gender through the father.

Male and Female Material

As you probably know, a baby is conceived when genetic material from the father and genetic from the mother come together. These materials are the egg and sperm. Both are sex cells. A sperm is a sex cell from the father, and it contains vital genetic material for determining gender. A mother's egg is fertilized with a sperm cell carrying either an X or a Y chromosome. An X chromosome will produce a daughter, a Y chromosome, a son.

A chromosome is essentially a package of DNA, which is the roadmap on how to build your body. The human body, and every cell within it, contains 46 chromosomes. It's almost like each cell contains a miniature blueprint on how to create the unique you. There are two exceptions to this -- the sex cells. Sperm and eggs only contain 23 chromosomes.

When the sperm fertilizes the egg within a mother's body, they join together to form the 46 chromosomes required to create a human baby. The sperm carries 22 chromosomes that form a matched pair with the mother's set. The mother's body always contributes an X chromosome, but as I shared above, the sperm cell may carry another X chromosome or a Y chromosome.

This is why it has long been thought that the only one who determined the sex of a child was the father. Scientific studies show that men tend to have an equal number of X-bearing and Y-bearing sperm, even if those men have only fathered children of one sex.

Other Factors

Science is showing that it's not simply luck that a sperm carrying an X or Y chromosome reaches the egg to fertilize it. In other words, it's not exactly random chance that a boy or girl is conceived.

Hormones have been shown to play a part in gender selection. A father who has higher levels of testosterone and other male hormones will tend to father male children more often. Fathers with lower testosterone tend to father female children. Serum testosterone is the measure of testosterone levels in the blood. Sperm that are bathed in higher serum testosterone tend to create boys. This is actually also true of eggs -- mothers who have higher testosterone levels to bathe their eggs in tend to produce more boys. Scientists favor a theory that terms it "dominance." A dominant personality (characteristic of a person with higher testosterone) produces more sons.

It's also thought that some vitamin and mineral levels may influence one gender over another. For instance, it's thought that semen rich in potassium may favor the conception of a son. Higher calcium may favor a daughter. Most studies on mineral levels have been done in women, so it's not conclusive how much of an effect it will for a father hoping for one gender or another.

Certain environment conditions also affect the gender of children produced by a father. Men who work in high-risk situations where there are a lot of heat or high altitudes consistently father more daughters. Scuba divers also tend to father more daughters. Any type of constant, increased heat around the father tends to lower fertility in general, but for those men that do conceive, they're far more likely to have a daughter than a son. Some theorize that cold may help father more sons, but there are no scientific studies to back this up.

Men can take various supplements, adjust their daily stress levels, and take other steps such as changing their exercise routine to help influence their chances of conceiving one gender or the other.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how to choose the gender of your baby, naturally, using techniques that are safe and effective for you and your baby?

If so, download my free guide here: Eat Pink ~ Eat Blue

You'll get my guide and information packed with helpful tips and techniques to naturally increase your odds of selecting the gender of your baby through diet, timing, and other methods.

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